Machine learning open source software Cheng Soon Ong just emailed me about, a community creating a comprehensive open source machine learning environment. is essentially a community portal with lots of detailed information about each of the listed projects. One of the more interesting features of their site is that they’ve tied specific software to publication in an associated journal, the Journal of Machine Learning Research to make it easy for users of the software to find and maintain a citation trail to the work of the original developers. The journal itself encourages open source submissions and automatically ties publication of papers related to the software to appearance at the portal.

This last bit is a very clever idea. Would a broader electronic journal (perhaps the Journal of Open Science) would be a useful way to give open projects (Open Source, Open Data, Open Notebook) more citation currency?

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3 Responses to Machine learning open source software

  1. Pingback: The OpenScience Project ยป Machine learning open source software | Open Hacking

  2. is a very interesting website. Since I blog about Operations Research tools I find this site to be very relevant to my field of interest. I’d be interested to know of other math and science aggregated sites like this one. Perhaps one is due for Operations Research.

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  3. Brian Borchers says:

    You might want to take a look at the journal “Mathematical Programming C”, which is just starting up. The focus of the journal is on computational methods in optimization, and the review process includes both software and papers- if your paper is to appear in the journal than the software also has to go through a review process.

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